非营利组织可以大幅折扣价获得 Adobe Acrobat Pro 一年订阅,并免费获得 Adobe Express。非营利组织可以折扣价获得 Adobe Creative Cloud 个人版一年期会员资格。请参阅产品报价以了解每种产品的成本。 可以直接通过 Adobe 申请面向非营利组织的 Acrobat计划,而通过我们的营销合作伙伴TechSoup可以访问面向非营利组织的Adob...
Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams Non-ProfitAshleigh Trejo
以特惠价格获取 Adobe 软件!非营利组织可以访问 Creative Cloud、Acrobat Pro 和 Adobe Express。1 立即检查您的资格
I changed the email on my "current" Adobe product (Creative Cloud) to a different email address (my personal one) . Then I was able to take advantage of the new program with my non-profit's email address. Everything works perfectly now. The non-profit progam can't mer...
Are there any plans to create a non-profit Creative Cloud plan? TOPICS Creative Cloud Views 33.8K Translate Translate Report Report Reply Sorry, unable to complete the action you requested. 1 Correct answer multitalented_Dazzle15A9 • Community Expert , Feb 25, 2013 For nonprofits, ...
Grazie agli strumenti di collaborazione di Creative Cloud, i team creativi possono rimanere in contatto ovunque, creare splendidi progetti e mantenere il controllo in tutte le fasi del processo. Scopri di più.
Seuls les services et les applications Adobe Creative Cloud authentiques vous offrent un accès aux nouvelles fonctionnalités et aux mises à jour, directement dans vos produits, afin que vous restiez au fait des dernières tendances et techniques de création. Et nous avons des formules d'abo...
Für unsere Creative Trends durchkämmen wir akribisch soziale Netzwerke, das Adobe Stock-Angebot sowie die dortigen Suchanfragen und identifizieren so die wichtigsten Entwicklungen, die das kommende Jahr visuell prägen werden. 06.12.2022 Non-Profit-Organisationen Kreatives Storytelling für Non...
With the world’s best creative apps and services, you can make anything you can imagine, wherever and however you’re inspired. Specific tools likeAdobe ExpressandAdobe Fireflyhelp you design and prototype quickly and easily, while the whole capable suite ofAdobe Creative Cloudapps let you crea...
Creative Cloud@MAX pass (Saturday through Wednesday) US$1,995 Preconference courses Sunday View preconference courses (Must be purchased with a full conference pass) Preconference labs – 1 Day US$650 Government, Non-Profit, Education - 1 Day ...