ColdFusion(2018 リリース)アップデート 16(リリース日:2023年3月14日(PT))では、任意のコード実行、任意のファイルシステム読み取りおよびメモリリークにつながる可能性のある脆弱性に対処しています。 詳しくは、セキュリティ情報 APSB23-25 を参照してください。 新しい jvm フラグ ...
Adobe ColdFusion(2018 リリース)の基本を学びます。ColdFusion のインストールと設定の方法、および言語構文について説明します。
We are pleased to announce the availability of public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release). As always, we appreciate every contribution you make and provide feedback on this most awaited release of ColdFusion. Get rewarded for your contribution!
Adobe Employee , /t5/coldfusion-discussions/released-coldfusion-2021-and-2018-october-security-updates/td-p/13259746 Oct 11, 2022 Oct 11, 2022 Copy link to clipboard Copied UPDATE 10/19/2022: Added information about refreshed installers. Thank you @Charlie Arehart for thi...
RELEASED- ColdFusion 2021 and 2018 March 2023 Security Updates Saurav_Ghosh Adobe Employee , Mar 14, 2023 Copy link to clipboard We are pleased to announce that we have released the updates for the following ColdFusion versions: ColdFusion (2021 release) Update ...
Adobe ColdFusion 中有一個任意檔案上傳弱點,這是因為 filemanager 外掛程式中的驗證不足所致。未經驗證的遠端攻擊者可惡意利用此問題,透過特製 POST 要求,在遠端主機上上傳任意檔案。 解決方案升級至 Adobe ColdFusion 11 Update 15、2016 Update 7 或 2018 Update 1 版或更新版本 另請參閱 https://helpx.adobe....
The version of Adobe ColdFusion installed on the remote Windows host is prior to 2018.x Update 16 or 2021.x Update 6. It is, therefore, affected by multiple vulnerabilities as referenced in the APSB23-25 advisory. - Deserialization of Untrusted Data (CWE-502) potentially leading to Arbitrary...
2018年11月,白帽汇安全研究院发现公网上出现了在9月份公布的Adobe ColdFusion服务器任意文件上传漏洞(CVE-2018-15961)的实际利用痕迹,攻击者利用该漏洞上传jsp语言的菜刀脚本呢,从而达到远程命令执行。此次漏洞的利用主要是ColdFusion服务器的两方面的缺陷造成的:一、服务器存在未授权任意文件上传。攻击者在未授权的情况下...
Adobe ColdFusion provides powerful out-of-the-box API management capabilities to extend your applications and integrate seamlessly with external services. Rapidly develop and deploy RESTful APIs with built-in tools. Secure your APIs with robust authentication and authorization features. ...
Adobe ColdFusion is a battle-proven and high-performing application server that makes web development easy for every coder. Bring your vision of a scalable, game-changing and reliable product to life. Try now The power of coding, amplified. ...