Adobe Audition V1.5混响参数adobeauditionv15混响参数reverbhall模拟大音乐厅的混响参数数值范围说明revtime28s03300s混响时间highratio080110高频衰减率diffusion6010混响扩散inidly400ms012000ms直达声与早期反射声之间的延迟时间lpf70khz1khz16khzthru低通滤波器的截止频率hpfthruthru32hz8khz高通滤波器的截止频率reverbhall...
Adobe Audition for Mac 14.2.0 Adobe Audition使您能够使用更多连接工具和许多新功能(包括 Sound Remover)来创建和交付优美的音频,该功能只需分析一 ... 专业软件 —— Adobe Audition 0. 中英文对照 mute:静音,solo:独奏,arm to record:准备录音: reverb:混响: 1. 简介 Adobe Audition CS6原身为经典的音...
DeReverb & DeNoise effects—Reduce or remove reverb and background noise from recordings without noise prints or complicated parameters with these efficient real-time effects or through the Essential Sound panel. Sound Remover—Easily remove specific audio elements in just a few clicks. Select a samp...
Adobe Audition 跳到下一个波形窗口 Adobe Audition 打开频率分析窗口 Adobe Audition 打开信息窗口 Adobe Audition 临控VU标准 Adobe Audition 打开波形列表窗口 Adobe Audition 将当前光标位置或选区范围在提示栏做上记号 Adobe Audition 打开全局设置窗口 Adobe Audition 打开帮助窗口 Adobe Audition 将视图向后移支一屏...
In this course, you’ll learn essential techniques for producing high-quality, professional sound for podcasts using FabFilter and iZotope RX plugins within Adobe Audition. We’ll introduce you to key tools like Pro-Q3 Equalizer, Pro-C2 Compressor, and Pro-R Reverb to shape and enhance your au...
Reverb Room 2 Room1的变种 参数数值范围说明 Rev.Time1.8s0.3-30s混响时间 High Ratio0.60.1-1.0高频衰减率 Diffusion60-10混响扩散 Ini.Dly17ms0.1-200ms直达声与早期反射声之间的延迟时间 LPF9kHz1KHz-16KHz,THRU低通滤波器的截止频率 HPF80HzTHRU,32Hz-8kHZ高通滤波器的截止频率 Reverb STAGE ...
Step 1.Start Audition and drag and drop your audio track. Double-click it on the file panel. Step 2.Navigate to "Effects" > "Noise Reduction/Restoration" > "Adaptive Noise Reduction". Step 3.Configure the settings. Reduce Noise By:Adjusts noise reduction level (6-30 dB recommended) for...
Saving and exporting 分享此頁面 連結已複製 此頁面有幫助嗎? 是,謝謝不盡然
Reduce noise and restore audio Reverb effects How to use special effects with Audition Stereo imagery effects Time and pitch manipulation effects Generate tones and noise Mixing multitrack sessions Video and surround sound Keyboard shortcuts Saving and exporting Automatic...
参数数值范围说明 Rev.Time1.4s0.3-30s混响时间 HighRatio0.80.1-1.0高频衰减率 Diffusion70-10混响扩散 Ini.Dly5.0ms0.1-200ms直达声与早期反射声之间的延迟时间 LPFTHRU1KHz-16KHz,THRU低通滤波器的截止频率 HPFTHRUTHRU,32Hz-8kHZ高通滤波器的截止频率 ReverbRoom2Room1的变种 参数数值范围说明