若将一个范围的边缘拖到另一个范围的帧中,将会替换第二个范围的帧。 若要将舞台上的补间对象扩展至超出其补间的任何一端,请在按住 Shift 的同时拖动其补间范围任一端的帧。Animate 将帧添加到范围的末尾,而不会补间这些帧。 也可以选择位于同一图层中的补间范围之后的某个帧,然后按 F6。Animate 扩展补间范围并...
若要延長補間動畫物件在「舞台」上顯示的時間,請按住 Shift 鍵,然後拖曳其補間動畫範圍最左邊或最右邊的影格。Animate 會將影格加入範圍的末端,但這些影格並未製作補間動畫。 您也可以選取相同圖層中補間動畫範圍之後的影格,然後按 F6。Animate 會擴充補間動畫範圍,並且將所有屬性的屬性關鍵影格都加入至選定的影格...
Adobe Animate CC 中的时间轴用于组织和控制在一定时间内图层和帧中的文档内容。与电影胶片一样,Animate 文档也将时长划分为多个帧。图层就像堆叠在一起的多张幻灯胶片一样,每个图层都包含一个不同的图像显示在舞台中。 时间轴的主要组件是图层、帧和播放头。 时间轴显示文档中哪些地方有动画,包括逐帧动画、补间...
Since upgrading to Animate CC 2018 I have found that no matter what complexity my project is, timeline play back lags really badly. I have to publish my work to get any sense of timing, which for an animation tool is incredible inefficient. I also have Flash CS6 installed on my compu...
Sorry this is probably the most stupid question on this forum but I accidently clicked the x on the timeline and I have got no clue how to reopen it and I've got something due tonight :/.Views 1.2K Translate Translate Report Report Reply Sorry, unable to complete the action...
Learn how to add video to an Animate document in Adobe Animate. Links to tutorials and examples are included.
In Adobe Edge Animate, you can create triggers that execute your code at a specific position on a Timeline. When Edge Animate plays the timeline and reaches the trigger, it executes the specified JavaScript code. You can also bind code to the document, Timeline and specific Elements. Your co...
In Animate, that means that the properties that define an element change over the course of time. Those properties and their changes are tracked on the timeline through the use of keyframes—those little diamond-shaped markers. The previous chapters involved some timeline manipulation. This chapter...
Elements move, change shape, and change color. In Animate, that means that the properties that define an element change over the course of time. Those properties and their changes are tracked on the timeline through the use of keyframes—those little diamond-shaped markers....