1 右击Adobe After Effects快捷方式在弹出菜单中选中属性,弹出AE属性对话框,单击"打开文件所在位置"对话框打开AE的安装路径。2 下载Move Anchor Point的插件(https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfhHjXL)将map_images文件夹和Move Anchor Point.jsx文件复制到Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels文件夹下即可。Move Ancho...
Moving Anchor point in After Effects sequoiajosh New Here, Apr 26, 2017 Copy link to clipboard Hi, I was wondering if I could move this marker that is circled in red below. I wanted to move the red marker to the blue dot. I wanted to do this because wheneveI i want to scale the...
Adobe After Effects CC 2015.3 方法/步骤 1 打开AE新建项目并新建合成,设置合成的名称为“文本动画”,合成的大小为1920*1080,合成的持续时间为5秒;2 CTRL+Y新建背景图层,设置图层的名称为“背景”,图层的颜色为白色;3 将时间指针定位到5帧的位置,单击文本工具,输入文本B并打上关键帧;每5帧输入一个...
The anchor point is the point that a layer rotates about or zooms into. You only need to set a keyframe on that parameter if you want to change these actions. The anchor point is a very important part of animation, and it's worth studying up the basics of Afte...
089 Anchor Point Tip - Use the Move Anchor Point script - 大小:13m 目录:12 Advanced After Effects Tips 资源数量:113,其他后期软件教程_其他,Udemy - Complete Adobe After Effects Course. Make Better Videos Now/12 Advanced After Effects Tips/083 Intro to th
12 Advanced After Effects Tips 083 Intro to the Advanced Tips Section 084 Working with Adobe Premiere Pro 085 Working with Adobe Photoshop 086 Precomposing Working with Pre-Compositions 087 How to Easily Replace Layers in After Effects 089 Anchor Point Tip - Use the Move Anchor Point script 090...
01启动After Effects CS5,关闭引导页对话框。选择【File】>【Import】>【File】命令,弹出【Import File】(导入素材)对话框,选择“模块02\素材\小鬼F.psd”素材文件(光盘中提供)02 ,设置【Import As】为“Composition”,如图2-1所示。然后单击【打开】按钮,在弹出的对话框中单击【OK】按钮,如图2-2所示,完成PSD...
同样的键还有很多,例如 R键展开Rotation属性,T键展开Opacity属性,A键展开 Anchor Point属性,S展开Scale,E键展开所有特效,M展开所有Mask等。另外,对一个键连按两次还有其它功能。例如,连续按M两次,After Effects将展开所有的Mask属性;连续按A两次,可以展开所有的三维属性(当前层必须是三维层);连续按E两次,可以展开...
action in a digital animation sequence, you first need to define the start and end points for that action. These markers are called keyframes, and they’re used as anchor points for actions in all different types of animation programs, including Adobe After Effects, Animate, and Character ...
mx.effects mx.effects.easing mx.effects.effectClasses mx.events mx.filters mx.flash mx.formatters mx.geom mx.graphics mx.graphics.codec mx.graphics.shaderClasses mx.logging mx.logging.errors mx.logging.targets mx.managers mx.modules mx.netmon mx.olap mx.olap.aggregators mx.preloaders mx.printing...