2013年12月最新 Windows 7 x86+x64 9 in 1+Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.4+adobe Photoshop CC 14.1.1 X32 + X64+AVG Internet Security 2014 Final Build 14.0.4116 X86 X64+CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6.4+IBM SPSS Statistics 22 X64&X86+目前最全的《窮爸爸富爸爸》13本合集+源一空間魔法師 專業版 ...
破解說明: 1.Install the app with the provided serial and run the patcher from the patch dir to register the app completely and to avoid future blacklisting. (安裝序號在 \Patch\ 目錄) 2.If you plan to burn the iso, remember that you'll have to run the patcher from any harddrive. ...