注意:您也可以通过下面的方法来粘贴文本块:选择并复制任意应用程序中的文本,然后在 Acrobat 中选择“手形工具”,接着选择“编辑”>“粘贴”。 添加标注 选择“工具”>“注释和标记”>“标注工具”。 单击一次来设置终点位置,并再次单击来设置文本框的位置。
You must use the native application to print any component file that is not a PDF. To open a component file in its native application, right-click the file and choose Open File In Native Application. (The native application must be installed for you to open the file.) ...
Create a library template from a document URL This operation creates a template in Adobe Acrobat Sign library from a document URL. Use this template for sending agreements Create a library template from a document URL (Old) [DEPRECATED] This operation creates a template in Adobe Acrobat Sign...
Recently, on my Win 7 machine, using Acrobat X Pro I started having trouble. Whenever I open a javascript interface window, type in the box, and either move my mouse into or out of the window, the white background turns grey and the text becomes invisible. T...
Insert a text box in a PDF using Adobe Acrobat software. Another way to add a text box to a PDF is to use downloadable PDF editing software like Acrobat. Once you’ve downloaded your editor of choice to your device, follow these steps to add text boxes: ...
Not missing, just white. I agree, Rebecca. Very frustrating for something as "famous" and costly as Adobe Acrobat to not work correctly, especially when using it for business as I am. I've been searching for alternatives to create custom reports and have documents signed. Fix this, Ado...
Hi, i have a problem when i send files by E-mail in Adobe.. There is something wrong when I use Adobe Reader in VDI, while in a normal Windows 10\11 with the same version this works.. (look at the image) Windows Server 2022 ...
Go to Acrobat online services from any web browser. Select the highlighter tool from the horizontal toolbox located at the top of the PDF editor. Select the desired color of your highlighter tool. Click and drag the cursor to select the text area to highlight, releasing when you’ve finishe...
Apps designed for collaboration can help keep employees in the flow of work by bringing the apps, data, and workflows to the user. With Adobe Acrobat Sign...
Flattening may be necessary when you print or when you save or export to other formats that don’t support transparency. Follow these steps in Adobe Acrobat Pro to create or apply a flattener preset.