Adobe Acrobat Reader: Edit PDFRatings and Reviews 4.7out of 5 45.2K Ratings Lucaszg,17/09/2018 一点小建议 总体来说使用体验很不错,但是在阅读英文需要查单词的时候,选中一个单词非常麻烦,不能智能选中一个完整的单词,而是像复制东西一样,需要拖拽光标,非常不方便,希望后期可以有所改进。
Adobe reader only provides basic features on its free version. Tto access more advanced features, Adobe offers subscription plans such as Acrobat PDF Pack. This upgrade allows you to unlock functionalities like PDF creation, conversion, and advanced editing tools. By subscribing to Acrobat PDF Pack,...
Follow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to send a PDF for review over a shared network location, SharePoint, or an email. All review comments are then merged and presented to you in a single PDF.
Acrobat Reader 檢視、列印、共用 PDF 以及加入注釋。 免費 適用於桌面和行動裝置 檢視、列印、共用及注釋 Acrobat Standard 用於編輯和轉換文件的簡易 PDF 工具。 月繳型年度計劃 NT$462/月 含VAT 適用於桌面、網頁和行動裝置 檢視、列印、共用及注釋 編輯文字和影像,匯出、保護及組織文件 收集具有法律效力的電子...
Adobe Acrobat 在桌面和行動裝置上免費檢視、共用、簽署、注釋和協作處理 PDF。 立即下載比較 Acrobat 方案 現有的 Acrobat 使用者?前往 Acrobat Acrobat Reader 有哪些功能? 填寫表格並加入簽名 在任何裝置上輸入您對問題的回應。加入您的簽名並回傳您的表格,不需要印表機。
Acrobat Reader 有哪些功能? 填寫表格並加入簽名 在任何裝置上輸入您對問題的回應。加入您的簽名並回傳您的表格,不需要印表機。 方案和定價 比較Acrobat 方案 Adobe Acrobat 建立、編輯、審核 PDF 並進行電子簽名。全都在單一應用程式中完成。 免費試用立即購買...
Follow these steps in Adobe Acrobat to send a PDF for review over a shared network location, SharePoint, or an email. All review comments are then merged and presented to you in a single PDF.
享受Adobe 一流的免費 PDF 閱讀器。Acrobat Reader 可讓您讀取、簽署、任何類型的 PDF 檔案,並在檔案中加上註解和互動。
Adobe Acrobat Reader: Edit PDF Ratings and Reviews 4.7 out of 5 784 Ratingszetogamer , 21/10/2018 Mail Cant share pdf over mail app boxartist94 , 03/09/2019 Constantly crashing and freezin I think the latest update was not an improvement of the program. It keeps crashing and...
Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed 19.008.20074, check for the updates from help>check for updates, or manually install the updates from 19.008.20074 Optional update, October 08, 2018 — Release Notes for Acrobat DC Products We're here to help, just need more...