Adobe Acrobat Reader 全球值得信赖的免费 PDF 阅读器 请选择您的操作系统和语言以下载 Acrobat Reader。 操作系统 语言 版本 单击“下载 Acrobat Reader”按钮,即表示您确认已阅读并接受所有 条款和条件. 下载Acrobat Reader免费为您消除文书工作的烦恼 查看、存储并共享 PDF 获得所有类型的 PDF 内容的最佳浏览体验...
Adobe Acrobat Reader 使用我们的免费 Acrobat Reader 软件查看、签名、协作处理和注释 PDF 文件。要轻松编辑 PDF 并将其转换为 Excel 和 Word 等文件格式,请尝试使用 PDF 编辑器和转换器 Acrobat Pro. 更多下载选项 免费为您消除文书工作的烦恼 查看、存储并共享 PDF ...
many people. Business people as well as students need to manage these files easily and many tools offer this functionality, especially for the Windows platform. Adobe has actually created the Portable File Format (PDF) and they definitely remain on top of the market with Adobe Acrobat Reader. ...
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is widely used on Windows operating systems. In terms of safety, it is generally considered to be a safe and reliable software program. However, it’s important to download it from a reputable source, such as the official website or a trusted download site, to ensur...
Do I need an internet connection to use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC? Many people worry you will need an internet connection to use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC because of the ‘cloud-based’ headline which surrounds it. Don’t worry, this is just a myth. What this means, in practical terms, is...
Help & Info about Adobe Reader DC for mac What is Adobe Reader for Mac? Adobe Reader is part of Adobe Acrobat, developed by Adobe Systems. Adobe Acrobat serves the purpose of viewing, sharing, and printing large documents called .pdfs with ease. Adobe Reader is the more accessible version...
Adobe Acrobat Reader DCv2020.官方中文版 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC,之前是叫做Adobe Reader,是由Adobe公司开发的一款免费的PDF阅读器,主要可用于对PDF文件进行编辑修改等操作。作为Adobe公司的产品,软件具有很强的兼容性和稳定性,这款PDF查看软件能够打开所有类型的PDF内容(包括表单和多媒体)并与之...
adobe acrobat reader dc安卓版可以说是adobe非常良心的一个pdf阅读器软件了,完全免费使用,并且没有任何的广告,同时支持简体中文在内的19种语言,界面也十分简洁,包体也控制在了100M以内,可以说是目前关于pdf最专业的软件,是您手机查看pdf的不二之选! adobe acrobat reader中文版简介 ...
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is the free, trusted standard for viewing, printing, and annotating PDFs. And now, it’s connected to Adobe Document Cloud — so it’s easier than ever to work with PDFs on computers and mobile devices.Do more with the leading PDF viewer.More...
首先,打开浏览器,在地址栏中输入 访问后获取安装包下载 Adobe Acrobat DC2022中文版怎么添加书签?1、首先打开Adobe Acrobat Pro DC ,跳转到你要保存的页面;2、找到左边的书签标志点击它;3、找到添加标签按钮,点击它;4、在弹出的标签中输入你要命名的标签名;5、名称输入完之后回车确定 ...