Acrobat Pro 免費試用版提供的不僅僅是出色的工具 隨時隨地使用 Acrobat 適用於 Mac 和 Windows 的桌面應用程式 適用於網頁和行動裝置,還有瀏覽器擴充功能 Adobe Scan 和 Acrobat Reader 行動應用程式 簡化工作流程 可與您已在使用的應用程式搭配使用,例如 Microsoft 365 和 Dropbox ...
Try Acrobat Pro with a 7-day free trial. If that doesn’t give you enough time to try all the features, you’ll still have an extra 14 days to cancel and receive a full refund. Start free trial What can you do with your Acrobat Pro free trial?
Try Acrobat Pro with a 7-day free trial. If that doesn’t give you enough time to try all the features, you’ll still have an extra 14 days to cancel and receive a full refund. Start free trial What can you do with your Acrobat Pro free trial?
Download a free trial of a fully functional version of Adobe Acrobat Pro now. Explore how Acrobat Pro can simplify the work you do every day.
Follow these steps to use the Adobe Acrobat Pro Action Wizard to create actions, a series of commands with specific settings that you can run on a single document, several documents, or a collection of documents.
Hi, I have just downloaded the Acrobat X Pro to my mac (operating system 10.6.8) installed fine but when I have tried to open it, it says days left on - 8913921
Solved: Everything seemed to be going fine until I was asked to set up a profile and a password. Later I was asked for the password and it didn't recognize it. - 8191328
Drag the file icons onto the Acrobat application icon. Or (Windows only) drag the files into the open Acrobat window. If a message appears saying that the file could not be opened in Acrobat, then that file type cannot be converted to PDF by the drag-and-drop method. Use one of the ...
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