ADOBE ACROBAT PRO Do even more with your PDFs. Get 70+ features that help you work smarter in your PDFs. Create, collaborate, e-sign, and more — all with Acrobat Pro. Free trialBuy now See plans forstudentsorbusinesses. Save valuable time with advanced tools. ...
而且它是免费的。新版增加了两个 Acrobat plugs-ins (Acrobat Search and AutoIndx),它可以在硬盘、CD 和局域网中搜索用 Acrobat Catalog tool 创建了索引文件的多个 PDF 文件。Acrobat Professional Extended 9.3.3 官方没有出简体中文版,此中文版为DIY合成的。
Silly question but , looks like only Acrobat 9 Pro on there, doesn't mention Extended. Are they basically the same or is it all done with the serial keys on that version. Thanks. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Ned Murphy LEGEND , Jun 14, 2015 Copy link...
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended软件包 方法/步骤 1 安装软件,根据软件安装提示下一步即可。注意:Adobe安装过程中容易受到杀毒软件阻止,方法两种①退出杀毒软件②安装时选允许。(建议使用第二种,但是需要一直盯着电脑,杀毒软件阻止不定时提示)2 .修改hosts,路径C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc记事本打开hosts,最...
系统是vista,应该算是正版的,Adobe acrobat 9是在官方网站上下载的,破解文件我上传上来当附件,我就是...
App: Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (makes 3d acrobat files). My hard drive started failing so I cloned it to a new hard drive. After starting up I had to fix all the licenses on all my software. Every other program worked but Acrobat. It keeps giving me a 'license error...
打开软件!此时为软件版本为Version 9.0.0 接下来联网将其升级到Version 9.2.0 ,接下来将 Adobe Acrobat 9.3 Pro Extended 更新 多国语言 ( ...
【求助】下了Adob..安装时出问题了 真是不知道怎么办了,网上也查了好多,很多说是注册表问题,我的是win8系统,注册表跟他的都不一样 希望知道的大神告之
中文名: 奥多比Acrobat 9 Pro Extended英文版(另附中文包)英文名: Adobe Acrobat pro Extended (9.3...
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro & Pro Extended 英文版 Mac Serial Only: SN:1118-0011-0841-2246-4404-1353 Mac&PC Serial: SN:1118-4018-6583-4956-2486-7805 不过我安装的时候选择的是30天适用 所以根本没有用到key。 破解方式非常简单 只需下载破解文件 ...