Solution: Install the latest Acrobat patch The latest patch release has the fix for this problem. The patch provides an updated Adobe PDF printer driver. Download the respective installer applicable for your product and install.
Acrobat(64 位)修补程序AcrobatDCx64Upd2100720102.msp208 MB 所有Acrobat(64 位)基本版本 Acrobat 2020修补程序Acrobat2020Upd2000430018.msp97 MB 所有Acrobat 2020 基本版本 Acrobat 2017修补程序Acrobat2017Upd1701130206.msp232 MB所有Acrobat 2017 基本版本 ...
My Adobe PDF Printer disappeared recently. I installed the latest patch found here: Adobe PDF printer missing after installing Acrobat I have tried to follow the instuctions on the following link to try to manually install it but am unable to get it working ...
Adobe PDF Printer Missing Fix - Adobe Acrobat 8.1 - Vista 1. Type "C:\Windows\inf" into the search box on the start menu. 2. Locate the INFCACHE.1 - 1162010
Step 3.Restart Acrobat and see if the printer is working. 3. Use the Repair Option from Adobe Adobe has a built-in repair option that allows its users to automatically fix the software when it's broken or missing some features. Doing this is pretty easy, as you can do the repair in ...
Adobe Acrobat是通过一个虚拟打印程序实现office文档到pdf文档转化的,这个虚拟打印驱动程序就是“Adobe PDF Printer ”。正常情况下,Adobe Acrobat 安装完成后,应该可以在“控制面板-打印机和传真”中增加出来一个类似“Adobe PDF Converter ”的打印机,如果没有这个打印机,就说明打印驱动程序安装有问题,在装换office文...
Adobe Acrobat 9.0“ PDFMaker无法找到Adobe PDF Printer 的打印驱动程序”解决办法 【问题症状】安装Adobe Acrobat Perfessional 9.0后,office工具栏中会显示两个按钮。正常情况下,可以点击按钮直接将当前的office文档转化为pdf文档,同样IE工具栏和右键菜单中也有这两个按钮,用来将网页转化为pdf文件,非常方便。问...
PDF Printer 的打印驱动程序”解决办法 【问题症状】 安装Adobe Acrobat Perfessional 后,office 工具栏中会显 示两个按钮。正常情况下,可以点击按钮直接将当前的 office 文档转 化为pdf 文档,同样 IE 工具栏和右键菜单中也有这两个按钮,用来 将网页转化为 pdf 文件,非常方便。
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