Adobe Acrobat Pro 适用于任何设备的完整 PDF 解决方案立即打开 Adobe Acrobat Reader 获取免费的移动应用程序以随时随地注释和共享 PDF获取应用程序 Adobe Scan 将文档、收据、白板等扫描到 PDF获取应用程序 Adobe Acrobat Sign 采用简单的电子签名操作,有助于公司业务的正常运转获取应用程序 免费帐户的功能支持: 试...
选择打开方式,然后从下拉列表中选择Adobe Acrobat Reader或Adobe Acrobat(如果您的首选应用程序未显示在列表中,请选择其他进行选择)。 选择全部更改。 更新Acrobat Reader 或 Acrobat Adobe 会定期发布 Acrobat Reader 和 Acrobat 的安全更新。安装最新的更新可能会解决此问题。要更新 Acrobat Reader 或 Acrobat,请选择帮...
Acrobat. Your essential document solution, anywhere you go. Stay on top of your documents with powerful features for desktop, mobile, and web. Ask. Acrobat AI Assistant answers. Meet AI Assistant for Acrobat. Ask your document questions. Get one-click summaries for fast insights and level up ...
保留OPI註解:保留以支援Open Prepress Interface (OPI) 1.3和2.0版的伺服器上的高解析度影像,取代「僅供刊登」(FPO)影像或註解所需的資訊。 保留來自DSC的檔案資訊:保留標題、建立日期和時間等資訊。 當您在Acrobat中開啟PDF檔案時,此資訊會出現在「檔案屬性說明」面板中。
Ask. Acrobat answers. Meet AI Assistant for Acrobat. Ask your document questions. Get one-click summaries for fast insights and level up your productivity. Add AI Assistant for Acrobat.US$4.99/mofor the annual paid monthly plan. Learn more ...
In Acrobat/Reader, you can set a user preference to open documents at a particular view (magnification) settting. This will work for documents that do not have the initial view setting specified. There is another user accessibility preference that can override the initial view that a document sp...
This operation creates a template in Adobe Acrobat Sign library from a document URL. Use this template for sending agreements Create a library template from an uploaded document This operation creates a template in Adobe Acrobat Sign library from an uploaded document. Use this template for sending...
Acrobat features, you can try tools to export to and from PDF, create a PDF, merge PDF documents, organize a PDF, reduce PDF size, and more. Working with PDFs online has never been so easy. HOW TO USE THE ACROBAT EDGE EXTENSION 1. Install the ...
最小文件大小:创建PDF文件,以在Web或Intranet上显示,或通过电子邮件系统分发,以便在屏幕上查看。 这组选项使用压缩、缩减取样和相对较低的图像分辨率。 它会将所有颜色转换为sRGB,除非必要,否则不会嵌入字体。 它还优化文件以提供字节服务。 这些PDF文件可在Acrobat 5和Acrobat Reader 5.0及更高版本...
(Acrobat) I have a PDF and I've added a button. When the button is clicked, I want it to open a folder in File Explorer. I have: app.openFolder("C:/FolderName//"); In between the two final dashes I want it to grab the value that the user typed in to a text field....