下载Acrobat Reader 免费为您消除文书工作的烦恼 查看、存储并共享 PDF 获得所有类型的 PDF 内容的最佳浏览体验。在线存储文件并与任何人共享。 填写并签名 快速填充表格并添加您的签名缩写。然后与他人共享链接。 提供和获取反馈 添加文本框、附注和高亮显示。共享 PDF 以将每个人的输入内容收集到一个文件中。
版本 单击“下载 Acrobat Reader”按钮,即表示您确认已阅读并接受所有条款和条件. 免费为您消除文书工作的烦恼 查看、存储并共享 PDF 获得所有类型的 PDF 内容的最佳浏览体验。在线存储文件并与任何人共享。 填写并签名 快速填充表格并添加您的签名缩写。然后与他人共享链接。
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Adobe Acrobat is a free software app developed and distributed by Adobe Inc. The main purpose of using Adobe Acrobat is to open, read and store the PDF documents. Apart from just viewing PDF, it is also used to comment on PDFs as well as sign and highlig
Download a free trial of a fully functional version of Adobe Acrobat. Discover the many benefits of the Acrobat PDF editor.
Start 7-day free trial Acrobat. It’s how the world gets work done. More than five million organizations around the world rely on Acrobat to create and edit the smartest PDFs, convert PDFs to Microsoft Office formats, and so much more. When you’re on the move and you need to collabo...
The software you are about to download is a free version of the Adobe Acrobat DC PDF Reader for Android. It is quite common for Adobe to give away parts of their larger programs. For example, Microsoft Edge (the web browser) has adobe PDF reader already installed as a feature of the we...
Your Acrobat free trial comes with more than great tools. Smooth out workflows. Works with the apps you already use, like Microsoft 365 and Dropbox Integrates seamlessly withAdobe Creative CloudandAdobe Express Get enterprise-grade security. ...
Download a free trial of a fully functional version of Adobe Acrobat Pro. Discover the many benefits of the Acrobat Pro PDF editor.
版本 单击“下载 Acrobat Reader”按钮,即表示您确认已阅读并接受所有条款和条件. 免费为您消除文书工作的烦恼 查看、存储并共享 PDF 获得所有类型的 PDF 内容的最佳浏览体验。在线存储文件并与任何人共享。 填写并签名 快速填充表格并添加您的签名缩写。然后与他人共享链接。