アンインストールの処理中に、使用中のファイルダイアログボックスが表示されて「キャンセル」を選択しても、Acrobat 9.x または Adobe Reader 9.x が削除されます。このダイアログボックスは、Acrobat または Adobe Reader 起動中にツールを実行した場合に表示されます。
Adobe is either a registered trademark or trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat Cleaner Tool 20120206
要验证 Adobe Acrobat PDF 是否仅包含您指定的功能、字体和格式,请按照这些步骤,使用“印前检查”工具进行检查,并在某些情况下更正文档的内容。
As you get the error "Acrobat Collaboration Synchronizer 24.1 has stopped working" every time, try reinstalling the application once. Try reinstalling the application using the following steps:-Remove the application and run the cleaner tool (https://adobe.ly/3xdAIrp).-R...
Along with that , try scanning for registry once using Registry cleaning applications anyone like CCleaner or any other brand. Also , if you had installed any Acrobat version earlier , you may try running Acrobat Cleaner tool. Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool - Ad...
Open scans in Acrobat. After you scan a document, open it in Acrobat desktop, web, or mobile apps to fill out forms, sign documents, add notes or comments to PDFs, and review with others.Keep your business moving with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The free global standard for reliably viewing, ...
了解如何使用“Redact Tool”(标记密文)工具永久删除PDF中的私人或敏感信息。 使用整理工具移除文件中不可见的信息,如注释、元数据或隐藏的图层。 NOTE 仅适用于Acrobat Pro。 组织影响 客户数据保护、风险管理 将文本和图像标记为密文 从工具中心或右侧窗格中选择标记密文。
Add the extension to the Edge toolbar for faster access. 3. Open any PDF in your browser. 4. Select an Acrobat tool. VIEW, DOWNLOAD, PRINT, and STORE PDFs • Get the best PDF viewing experience with the Acrobat PDF reader. • Download...
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Collaborating in real time using the Share tool in Acrobat provides an excellent feedback experience for all your document review workflows. It will accelerate and bring crucial feedback from team members to your projects. BookmarkCopy link