打开参数只有在为adopenstastic的情况下recordcont属性才能正确显示数据集中的记录值Recordset对象的游标类型会影响是否能够确定记录的数目。对仅向前游标,RecordCount性将返回-1,对静态或键集游标返回实际计数,对动态游标取决于数据源,返回-1或实际计数。 RS.OPENSQL,CONN,A,B A为游标类型,B为锁类型 A: adOpenForwa...
4. Change the CursorLocation to adUseClient and experiment with the different CursorTypes. In all cases the correct record count returns. 陈晓鸣的意见: 在打开recordset记录集的时候,如果参数3(就是CursorType)为键盘索引或者向前索引时(CursorType参数为0 or 1),为了提高处理速度,recordset纪录是一条一条给...
ADO的RECORDSET的RECORDCOUNT属性总是为-1 最近在学习VBS脚本,编程的过程中遇到一个很郁闷的问题,例子如下: Provider="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" Set Objconn = createobject("ADODB.Connection") Objconn.Open Provider & "f:\\test.mdb" Set Objrs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sql...
I've got a recordset that I KNOW has records in it, but I keep getting a -1 as recordcount... help!
使用RecordCount属性可以确定Recordset对象中的记录数。 如果 ADO 无法确定记录数,或者如果提供程序或游标类型不支持RecordCount,该属性将返回 -1。 读取已关闭的Recordset的RecordCount属性将导致错误。 如果Recordset对象支持近似定位或书签 即,分别为Supports (adApproxPosition)或Supports (adBookmark),则返回True...
Recordset.RecordCount property it returns a -1 as the value, no matter how many records match the query. Does anyone know what could be causing this. Below is the code snippet that returns the -1. The data selected contains 3 records that should match the query. Any help would be ...
RecordCountReturns the number of records in a Recordset object SortSets or returns the field names in the Recordset to sort on SourceSets a string value or a Command object reference, or returns a String value that indicates the data source of the Recordset object ...
Filter 和 RecordCount 範例 (VC++) RecordsetEvents (具有匯入的 Visual C++ 語法索引) StayInSync 屬性範例 (VB) BOF、EOF 和 Bookmark 属性範例 (VB) CursorType 属性 (ADO) PageCount 屬性 (ADO) ADO 集合 Append 和 CreateParameter 範例 (VC++) CopyTo 方法 (ADO) Item 属性範例 (...
Filter 和 RecordCount 属性示例 (VB) XactAttributeEnum Size 属性 (ADO 参数) PositionEnum 流(带导入功能的 Visual C++ 语法索引) PageSize 属性 (ADO) Charset 属性 (ADO) 准备属性示例(VB) Status 属性示例 (Recordset) (VB) Item 属性(ADO) 源属性示例 (VC++) CacheSize 属性示例 (VC++) Cancel 方法...