ADNS-3080鼠标芯片资料(含自带固件),对于开发,制作有关鼠标或者测量有很大帮助 ADNS-3080 2012-05-07 上传 大小:4.00MB 所需: 50积分/C币 立即下载 adns9500芯片驱动 基于fpga的adns9500的芯片驱动 立即下载 上传者: wangzitc333 时间: 2013-09-10 ADNS...
The serial port is also used to load SROM data into the ADNS-3080. The port is a four-wire, serial port. The host micro-controller always initiates communication; the ADNS-3080 never initiates data transfers. The serial port cannot be activated while the chip is in power down mode (NPD...
Avago公司的AN-3533-BRBT低功耗蓝牙光学鼠标采用Avago的光学导航传感器ADNS-3530和Broadcom公司的BCM92042MDX-B88蓝牙ROM模块.接收器采用Broadcom的BCM2045. 2019-04-23 14:32:36 Chipcon采用新型激光传感器升级其激光鼠标参考设计 通过采用安捷伦科技推出的ADNS-6030激光传感器,Chipcon公司升级了其先前的RadioDesk激光鼠标...