Ramesh Steel Corporation is ADNOC approved vendor and supplier of Oil and Gas Piping material. Company was founded in 2004 and is based in Mumbai, India. Vendor code is 20031525.
Assurance RCP Rapid Crack Propagation RFQ Request For Quotation ROW Right of Way RSB Regulation Supervision Bureau RTP Reinforced Thermo-Plastic SAT Site Acceptance Test SDR Standard Dimension Ratio SDRL SUPPLIER Data Requirements List SRB Sulfate reducing bacteria SS Stainless Steel AGES-SP-10-005 Rev...
TheICV certificate validitylasts for fourteen months from the date of issuance. Once they appoint an ADNOC approved Certifying Body, suppliers cannot change the body without providing sufficient justification. Supplier’s submission must consider all costs incurred and revenue earned during the last asses...
Where no deviations are stated in the bid, the potential Supplier shall be considered as fully accepting the requirements of present specification. • List of sub-Contractors (if any) and scope of work. Latest revised and Company approved documentation shall be submitted: • Inspection and ...