对于Admob TestAds不在设备上显示的问题,腾讯云提供了一系列的移动广告解决方案,包括腾讯广告联盟(https://ad.tencent.com/union/)和腾讯移动广告SDK(https://mta.qq.com/)。这些产品可以帮助开发者在应用中显示广告,并且提供了丰富的广告样式和广告位管理功能。
I had completed all the process of Facebook Audience Network Implementation for showing ads in my app. I also created a google admob account which was approved by the google team. I also selected Facebook Audience Network as a Ad Source for bidding under the mediation pa...
Log.d(TAG, "Showing video ad.") rewardedAd.show(activityContext, adCallback) } else if (failedOnceAlready) { failedOnceAlready = false Log.d(TAG, "Failed to show the ads a second time.") loadAds() } else { failedOnceAlready = true loadAds() Log.d(TAG, "Failed to show the a...
Its just me or is this happening to everyone admob is not showing ads even the test ads id poman kiri tisso, Jan 3, 2021 #1 Shamrock Boxer Joined: Sep 9, 2018 Messages: 34 Likes Received: 4 poman kiri tisso said: ↑ Its just me or is this happening to everyone admob is...
I have recently updated ads services 19.7.0 to 23.0.0 but interstitial ads are not working. Please solve this problem. Providing build.gradle code and my activity code for which I setting up it. Banner ads is working well with this code. Older virson of ads services work...
i delete the code from index.html and put it in index1.html no ads is showing up? Why is that? Whay i want them to index1 is that its not very user friendly to hav a interstitial to pop up 1sec after appstart. i was also thinking to call the interstitial on the first button ...
在开发我的游戏(使用Corona SDK)时,我按照实现AdMob v2广告所需的所有步骤进行了操作,并且当然将函数ads.show()的testMode参数设置为true以测试应用程序。在测试过程中,所有横幅都按预期显示,插页式广告也是如此。但是,当我将testMode设置为false时,横幅广告不再显示。插页式广告仍然正常工作,问题只出现在横幅广告上...
function setUCookie(u_name,value){ var exdate=new Date() exdate.setHours(exdate.get...
guys help me my test ads not working i have checked banner ads interstitial ads and entered all ids but not working. Just a heads up. You should not install your own app from App or Play store. Showing or clicking your own ads will get your AdMob account suspended or terminated....