Reports on the possibility that admitted carriers may face problems in the surplus lines business. Fervor to get new insurance premium volume; Expansion of target markets in soft insurance cycle; Co...
State Bar of Georgia: Admitted Liability Carriers AM Best Company; Ratings & Analysis Center: Best's Financial Strength Rating; February 2012 eGlobal Health Insurers, LLC: Differences between Admitted U.S. Insurance and Surplus Lines International Medical Insurance Programs & What it Means to You Do...
Independent or affiliated: Which is the better choice? Stand-alone surplus lines insurers and units of large admitted companies each offer advantages.(Spotlight: Surplus Lines Market)GREENWALD, JUDY
Surplus lines reform deadline looms; Patchwork likely as state legislatures differ on tax rules.(Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act )Bradford, Michael
Curb on CGL coverage creeping into market; Surplus lines terms seen in admitted policies.(News)Lenckus, Dave
Migration to admitted market worries surplus lines insurers; Executive urges non-admitted sector to get more creative.Bradford, Michael