Post by tundra » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:50 pm Undergrad Institution: Big state school, good reputation in physics Major(s): Physics, Mathematics Minor(s): -- GPA in Major: 4.0 physics, ~3.98 mathematics Overall GPA: 3.988 Length of Degree: 4 years Position in Class: Near top Type of...
However, quite remarkably, my internship in a cancer research lab at Rice University during the summer after my junior year of high school motivated me to choose bio-medical engineering as my undergraduate major. One glance at a petite cancer cell had such a strong impact on me. 912 Words ...
Because all are generously funded (at the major schools), few are expected to reject the offer. This makes the admission rates appear brutal, but of course the applicant pool divides into the specialties – if economics departments admitted people by subdiscipline, the numbers wouldn’t look so...
Total comments0 Fall 2025 International University of California-San Diego Computer ScienceMasters February 21, 2025 Accepted on 21 Feb Total comments0 Fall 2025 American GPA 3.94 Some undergrad research, no papers. UCSD DSC major as undergraduate. Green card holder, non citizen, but considered dome...
American University, Babson, Bard, Bates, Berklee, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis, Brown, Bowdoin, Bucknell, CalTech, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, Carnegie-Mellon, Catholic University, Chapman, U. Chicago, Clemson, Colby, Colgate, College of Charleston, Colorado College,...
Major(s): Biomedical Engineering Minor(s): N/A GPA in Major: 3.8/4.00 Overall GPA: 3.2/4.00 MS GPA: 3.4/4.00 Demographics/Background:Whitefemale, International student, First Gen, Women in Engineering, Mom GRE Scores:Not great, hoping most of the programs will not require ...
EditedAugust 1, 2020by Bernt Undergrad Institution (approx. rank/reputation in STEM): Major(s):Biomedical Engineering Minor(s):French; Physiology and Neurobiology GPA in Major:3.510/4.0 Overall GPA:3.567/4.0 Demographics/Background:White, domestic, female ...
2 Pages Open Document The committee should choose me for the reason that I will be diligent and study earnestly for that spot. What I can offer to the program includes my distinguishable qualities such as empathy, calmness, decisiveness, and critical thinking. The reason I chose to major in...
以卡内基梅隆大学(CMU)和加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的硕士专业课程为例,它们自开设以来就强调学习数据分析工具和编程语言,如R、Python和SQL。尤其是UCLA,其课程在第一个学期就将大部分重心放在提升学生这方面能力上(如下图)。 来源:加州大学洛杉矶分校官网
A Good Counselor WillNot: Make admission guarantees at any college. Write the essay for the student. Fill out application forms for the student. Choose a major for the student. Use connections to help the student “get inâ€. ...