zhengvoyagesadmiralfleetexpeditionsimperial AdmiralZhengHeVoyagesAcrosstheIndianOcean,1405-1433 Sources:http://.chinapage/zhenghe.html;Bosworth,M.“Theriseandfallof15thcenturyChinesesea power.”http://.cronab.demon.co.uk/china.htm;Braun,E.“ZhengHe–AdmiraloftheWesternSeas.” http://oraculo.blog/blo...
Admiral Zheng He made seven frequent voyages to Malabar between 1405 and 1433 with marvellous fleet of 317 ships, almost 30,000 people. During the seventh voyage, he died in Calicut, and the mosque, Cheenedathu Palli, adorns tomb of Chinese Sheikh, where people irrespective of religion used ...
Zheng He (1371–1433 or 1435) was a Chinese admiral and explorer who led several voyages around the Indian Ocean. Scholars have often wondered how history might have been different if the first Portuguese explorers to round the tip of Africa and move into the Indian Ocean had met up with t...
Zheng He – Muslim, admiral, explorer, eunuch – was a maritime Chinese Marco Polo, making numerous voyages between China and Africa in the 15th century. On at least one occasion he sailed home with a giraffe as tribute for the emperor, who decided it must be aqilin, a myth...
12+ Description In the years 1405-1433Ming Dynasty Chinasailed the most impressive fleets on the world's oceans. More than three hundred "treasure ships" – several measuring 400 feet, more than four times the size of Columbus' Santa Maria – made seven epic voyages through the China Sea ...
If an object of the voyages was to display the glory and might of China, then there can be no question but that this magnificent fleet would have awed all who witnessed it. It is ironic, then, that today little is known of Zheng He’s voyages. This is, Wu pointed out, mainly the ...
8月 31, 2010 | Categories: Uncategorised | Tags: Eunuch Admiral, oic, voyages, zhenghe | 留下评论 你知道他是谁吗?ANY IDEA WHO HE IS? 上个星期《郑和的后代》派出了两位演员詹文倩和傅正龙担任OMY.SG视频网的外景主持,工作进行到一半,天不作美,竟下起了倾盆大雨!事后我们决定将地点迁移至人潮汹...
REFLECTIONS ON THE STUDY OF ZHENG HE'S EXPEDITIONS Zheng He's series of naval expeditions was one of the remarkable incidents in Chinese history as well as in world history. His seven voyages, sponsored by the powerful Ming dynasty between the third year of the Yongle period (1405) and t....
Zheng He (1371-1433), the Chinese Muslim Admiral Courtesy: MuslimHeritage.com and IRFI.com Through his seven voyages of discovery to the West, Zheng He helped transform China into a global power in the fifteenth century. Little did the famous Muslim geographer,Ibn Battutaknow, that ab...
sending spectacular fleets on great voyages and by bringing foreign ambassadors to his court. He also put foreign trade under a strict Imperial monopoly by taking control from overseas Chinese merchants. Command of the fleet was given to his favorite Zheng He, an impressive figure said to be ov...