Assisted living (AL) communities in the United States are home to a steadily growing population of over 900,000 individuals and provide assistance with daily activities, medical treatments, and social and recreational activities in a congregate residence. States license AL and oversee regulatory ...
Purpose: This study examines transitioning residents with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder (ADRD) from assisted living facilities (ALFs) to memory care units (MCUs) from the perspective of 3 ALF organizational models: freestanding ALFs, ALFs with MCUs, and ALFs in continuing care retirem...
5. Perceived Need of Mental Health Care Identified Residents, Administrators, and Direct Care Staff of an Assisted Living Facility. [D] . Gayer, Clarissa Nicole. 2013 机译:对精神卫生保健的感知需求,确定了辅助生活设施的居民,行政人员和直接护理人员。 6. Administrators Perceptions of Medication Mana...
This is an Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Reprints and ...
Since March, 2020, administrators in assisted living (AL) residences have been challenged to provide the best care for their populations while undergoing a pandemic. Because nothing like this has happened in the recent past, AL administrators had to make many new decisions. The purpose of this ...
Administrators: transitioning from nursing homes to assisted living.Peete, David
dementia and transitioning from assisted living: administrators' and caregivers' perspectives.. Caregivers often become overwhelmed, resulting in transitioning a family member (FM) to an assisteKelsey, Susan GilbertDissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-03, Section: A, page: 0981.;Adviser: ...
This study examines transitioning residents with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder (ADRD) from assisted living facilities (ALFs) to memory care units (MCUs) from the perspective of 3 ALF organizational models: freestanding ALFs, ALFs with MCUs, and ALFs in continuing care retirement communi...
Caregivers often become overwhelmed, resulting in transitioning a family member (FM) to an assisted living facility (ALF). As ADRD becomes more severe, caregivers may be faced with transitioning a FM to a memory care unit (MCU) to meet increasing needs. Yet, little is known about the ...
Anderson, Michelle L