How Much Do Administrative Assistants Make in Your City? See current salary offers for jobs in your field. Find Jobs Previous: Salary Next: Job Openings Similar Jobs Executive Assistant Median Salary: $70,310 Office Clerk Median Salary: $40,480 Search All JobsRecommended...
Below are employment trends for Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative Assistants: Median wage : $29.27 hourly, $60,890 annually Employment : 622,500 employees Projected growth (2018-2028): Decline (-2% or lower) Projected job openi...
If you work a traditional administrative assistant job, you'll have a regular full-time office schedule. This usually involves working around 40 hours a week. Administrative assistants often come into work around 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. and leave around 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. There is some vari...
Engineering administrative assistants work in offices. Like any job that requires a great deal of desk work and time working on computers, they may experience back and neck pain, eyestrain and hand and wrist issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome. In some cases, engineering administrative assistants...
According to theBureau of Labor Statistics, within the next 8 years, we will witness an 8% decline in the job outlook for administrative assistants. However, despite this decline, about 354,000 openings are projected on average each year over the decade. That means you still have some competi...
Job Outlook Overall employment of secretaries and administrative assistants is projected to decline 8 percent from 2021 to 2031. Despite declining employment, about 354,000 openings for secretaries and administrative assistants are projected each year, on average, over the decade. All of those openings...
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Free Essay: Since the early 1950’s, becoming a medical administrative assistant was based of being solely dedicated to the medical assisting programs for the...
Managing the Madness: Calendaring Tips for Assistants Office DynamicsJANUARY 24, 2023While their duties range wildly, one of the most important elements of their role is calendar management. How can I … Managing the Madness: Calendaring Tips for Assistants Read More » This often overlooked ...