another dimension to judicial review is added in Kenya by constitutional provisions which purport to safeguard certain individual freedoms; 2. in all three states, a single unitary High Court presides over all judicial review cases. The article examines the contribution of the East African Courts ...
Owing to various reasons, including a centralized hiring process, the recruitment process in developing countries is often subject to significant delay and is not targeted to areas with the highest need for staff. For example, in Kenya in the late-2000s, it took an average of 10months to fil...
Each submitted manuscript would be assigned to action editor for evaluation. The action editor will decide whether to forward the manuscript to the reviewers. Typically, papers should be no longer than 40 double-spaced pages (using one-inch margins, left aligned, and Times New Roman 12-point fo...
Governance Practices Influencing Teacher Retention In Public Secondary Schools In Kathonzweni Sub County, Makueni County, Kenya For the past several years, the number of teachers leaving the profession has increased exponentially. Teacher retention problem is also seen in Kenya and ... SW Mbuno 被...
(2001). Government administra- tive burdens on SMEs in East Africa: Reviewing issues and Action. Retrieved May, 20, 2006, from doi/ pdf/10.1111/1468-0270.00287Macculloch, F. (2001). Government administrative burdens on SMEs in East Africa: Reviewing issues ...
in the course of time, the author examines, after posing some theoretical assumptions about power and leadership, how far the bureaucratic arm of the government has stretched out during the implementation of rural development programmes in four rural Kamba and Mbere communit...