Sydney Business School - University of Wollongong Australia 15. Master of Business Administration (MBA) Macquarie University - Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM) New Zealand 16. Master of Business Administration MBA Victoria University of Wellingt...
The MBA is developed from the perspective of integrating the manager into the business. It gives the ability to innovate and to adapt to the new requirements of the market. Therefore, it provides participants with a global and strategic v...
Sydney, Finance Officer Executive Assistant, WaterAid Graduate Accountant, WaterAid Finance Manager, Octec Finance Officer MEL Advisor, Plan International Executive Assistant NSW bar association Finance and Operations Manager, the Ethics Centre Financial Controller, Sunnyhaven Disability Services ...
In addition to a better salary, the MBA student can achieve better job positions. It must be mentioned, graduate professionals in these programs are more likely to gain leadership positions and senior management in companies. Taking everything into account, pur...