Ugh, I get the following error locally on the broker (when the command passes validation): [2019-06-24 10:50:23,401] ERROR [Admin Manager on Broker 0]: Error processing describe configs request for resource ConfigResource(type=BROKER_LOGGER, name='0') (kafka.server.AdminManager) java.lan...
In addition to the teams’ daily standups, we had a daily triage meeting where the engineering manager, team leads, PM, and representatives from Support, Sales, and whoever had a crisis item that they felt needed to be handled on an expedited basis (not waiting on the next sprint, in ot...
Simple installation through Docker and can run on your Raspberry Pi. MIT Docker/Python/Nodejs LinkWarden - A self-hosted bookmark + archive manager to store your useful links. (Demo) MIT Docker/Nodejs NeonLink - Self-hosted bookmark service with unique design and simple installation with ...
The errors reported are caused by the SharedKeyPairManager task that is required only in CloudBroker environment. SharedKeyPairManager fails to initialize and prevents other tasks in the BrokerLifecycle from starting. This is related to the following patches when applied to Windows 2019 and Microsoft...
Windows Admin Center version 2211 is now in Public Preview! Today, we are releasing our latest version of Windows Admin Center! Windows Admin Center version 2211 is now in Public Preview. Thank you to our customers, partners, and fans for helping us ...
ALTER DATABASE dbname SET ENABLE_BROKER ALTER DATABASE dbname SET TRUSTWORTHY ONALTER DATABASE dbname SET HONOR_BROKER_PRIORITY ON; Wheredbnameis your restore ConfigMgr SQL database. To verify that the options were turned on successfully, you can run: ...
ssl.keymanager.algorithm Type: stringDefault: SunX509Importance: low The algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the key manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. ...
This option is not supported on z/OS, and returns the following error: BIP1046E: Unable to connect with the broker (name) The reported reason code is MQRC_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR. You must specify a local queue manager.Syntax >>-mqsicacheadmin--+---+---> '-BrokerName-' >--+---+-...
This method must not be called on AdministeredObject instances that do not yet exist on the broker (ie. objects initialized during a batch of creation requests). Overrides: refresh in class AdministeredObject Throws: ConfigManagerProxyLoggedException - if the request to refresh the object...