“However, GOPIO strongly urges the government to treat OCI Card holders who have invested in business and creating jobs in India at par with Indian citizens and they shouldn’t be termed as foreign nationals by various Govt. agencies while doing business including manufacturing and research in In...
The 15-minute city/neighborhood, at face value, sounds as inclusive as any urban-planning concept ever introduced — jobs, housing, health care, groceries, shopping, education, parks, services and more within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. Fixed-route transit is plentiful, so no one has to...
which means that you can stay for as little or as long as you like. This flexibility is ideal for people who are new to a city or who are in the process of transitioning between jobs or housing.
Alongside its head- quarters in Mumbai, the company, which is overseen by chairman Ramesh Kejriwal, operates five ul- tramodern production plants at locations all over the subcontinent. Only recently, a newly installed Rapida 76 was commissioned. This means there are now exactly 101 printing and...