cheat destroyall <classname>Destroy all dinosaurs or objects of the given classname. cheat killplayer <id>Immediately kill the specified player. cheat summon <classname>Summons the specified object or dinosaur to your location. cheat giveitemnum <ItemID> <QTY> <Quality> <True/False>Gives you ...
Odracir, 战争领袖[Odracir, Warchief of the Ark] cheat summon BossWarchief_Character_BP_GNS_C 自定义等级命令: admincheat spawndino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/DodoRex/Warchief/BossWarchief_Character_BP_GNS.BossWarchief_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 600 Rawaiim, 守护者山脉(南方巨兽)[Raw...
admincheat slomo <factor> Set how fast time goes admincheat slomo 2 factor can be from 0.0 to 5.5 - 0.0 pauses the game, 0.5 makes game go half as fast, 2.0 will make game go twice as fast, etc. admincheat summon <type> Spawn a creature of the chosen type in front of player...
GMSummon "Raptor_Character_BP_C" 50 God Mode admincheat god Once entered the player will no longer receive damage from other players, dinos/creatures, explosions,weaponsor even fall damage. But it should be noted that they can still receive damage from drowning, hunger, thirst and other natur...
Cosmo Spawn Command (Tamed) The spawn command for a tamed Cosmo is "JumpingSpider_Character_BP_C". cheat gmsummon "JumpingSpider_Character_BP_C" 60COPY GMSummon "JumpingSpider_Character_BP_C" Blueprint ID 150 Cosmo Level Cosmo Spawn Command (Wild) The blueprint path for the Cosmo is...
SummonTamed <type>– Spawns a tamed creature at your location. GMSummon <“type”> <level>– Spawns a tamed creature of a set level GiveDinoSet <tier> <quantity>– Spawns set of dinos with saddles. Tier options can be entered as a number or word, as follows: ...