ADM 于 12 月 14 日宣布,美国炼油商马拉松石油公司 (MPC) 和全球农业综合企业巨头 Archer Daniels Midland Co (ADM) 已关闭一家生产豆油的合资企业,以满足对可再生柴油日益增长的需求。 合资企业的细节于 8 月**公布,当时 ADM 表示,Green Bison Soy Processing 合资企业将拥有并经营位于北达科他州 Spiritwood ...
Green Bison Soy Processing, in Spiritwood, North Dakota, US. The complex supplies oil as a feedstock for renewable fuels. The following month, ADM announced a series of investments in Brazil to expand crush capacity at three oilseed processing facilities...
we broke ground on our new soybean processing facility in Spiritwood,North Dakota.Green Bison Soy Processing,a joint venture between ADM and Marathon Petroleum,is a brownfield development building a new facility on an existing footprint.Repurposing an existing industrial site has benefits,but it ...