adlq:LdapQuery 發行項 2024/04/24 意見反應 This section specify the format of optional LDAP query element which is used to define the optional /soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/wsen:Enumerate/wsen:Filter element of the Enumerate request described in WS-Enumeration [WSENUM] section ...
Stückliste ADLQ-4-AK-M/300 Deckenluftdurchlass, quad. Ausf., Ausblasrichtung 4-seitig, Anschhlusskasten, Mengeneinstellung GR Größe 300 400 500 600 625 附加信息 为你推荐 近似的零部件 相关附件 附加信息 供应商地理位置 载入中 ...技术...
商标名称 ADLQ 国际分类 第11类-灯具空调 商标状态 变更商标申请人/注册人名义/地址 申请/注册号 15380363 申请日期 2014-09-19 申请人名称(中文) 上海吉曼尼雅电器有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区宁桥路999号T15-3号二楼西侧 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 -...
The positions in the table below reflect the Anti-Doping Laboratory Qatar (ADLQ)'s position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Anti-Doping Laboratory Qatar (ADLQ) is listed....
亲,很高兴为您解答:型号ADLQ一6一8一0.55是铜绕组电机还是铝绕组电机:型号为ADLQ16180.55的电机,从1.8KW的额定功率和0.55KW的额定功率因数来看,很可能是一款铝绕组电机。在功率和功率因数相同的情况下,铝绕组电机相比铜绕组电机具有更低的生产成本、较小的体积和重量,以及更高的效率和耐腐蚀... adlq:LdapQuery 项目 2024/04/24 反馈 This section specify the format of optional LDAP query element which is used to define the optional /soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/wsen:Enumerate/wsen:Filter element of the Enumerate request described in WS-Enumeration [WSENUM] section 3.1. ...
Folgen Sie uns ADLQ Symposium-... The ADLQ Symposium-Global Trends in Antidoping Research, organized by the Anti-Doping Lab Qatar will take place from 5th May bis zum 6. May 2015 at the The Torch Doha in Doha, Qatar. The conference will cover areas like We Believe That Gathering with...
Chinese version of ADLQBackground:This study examines the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire (ADLQ-CV) in a sample of older Hong Kong Chinese adults with dementia. Method:The ADLQ-CV was administered to primary family caregivers of 125...
The ADLQ assesses the competence of people with dementia in performing functional activities as compared to that prior to the onset of disease. It consists of 28 items encompassing six functional domains: self-care, household care, employment and recreation, shopping and money, travel and communicat...