420-Understanding human nature-Alfred Adler-Psychology-1927Barack2022/05/28《Understanding human nature》,首版于1927年。它试图让公众了解个体心理学的基本原理。同时,它展示了这些原则在日常关系和个人生活组织中的实际应用。该书指出个人的错误行为如何影响社会和社区的和谐;教导个人认识到自己的错误;最后,向他们展...
共生互生伦理教育的人性基础 mutually nurturing co-existence the base of human nature for ethic education 3 p. 伊迪丝·华顿在《纯真年代》中对人性的理解 Edith Wharton's Understanding of Human Nature in The Age of Innocence 6 p. Alfred Abraham Levinson (1927–2005) 2 p. Alfred Fuchs (1870–...
(5) Alfred Adler, Understanding Human Nature (1927) We limit ourselves to normal cases of mutual influence, we find that those people are most capable of being influenced who are most amenable to reason and logic, those whose social feeling has been least distorted. On the contrary, those wh...
Understanding human nature. New York: Greenberg. Google Scholar Adler, A., Liebenau, G., & Stein, H. (2005). Journal articles, 1931–1937: Birth order and early memories, social interest and education, technique of treatment. Bellingham: The Classical Adlerian Translation Project. Google ...
His books include The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology (1927, repr. 1973) and Understanding Human Nature (1927, repr. 1978). Bibliography See studies by J. Rattner (tr. 1983) and P. Stephansky (1983). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia ...
Adler was a contemporary—not a disciple—of Freud. During their time, Adler’s ideas were more popular than Freud’s. Adler’s first psychology book,Understanding Human Nature, sold over 100,000 copies in six months; in comparison, Freud’sInterpretation of Dreamssold only 17,000 copies over...
Understanding human nature. New York: Greenberg. Google Scholar Adler, A. (1932). What life should mean to you. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.. Google Scholar Barbu, V. (1946). What schools of psychoanalysis are there? In K. Horney (Ed.), Are you considering psychoanalysis?
洞察人性 Understanding Human Nature - Adler, Alfred_5(优选) 热度: 相关推荐 AnIntroductiontoAdlerianPsychology AdlerbeganasaPhysicianinViennawhenhewasinvitedbyFreudtojointhePsychoanalyticGroupintheearly1900’s.Itisimportanttonote,thatAdlerwasneveradiscipleofFreuds.Adlerbeganwithaverybiologicalviewinthebegining,bu...
Alfred Adler was an Austrian psychiatrist disciple of Sigmund Freud. Among his publications, the following books are worth mentioning: The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology, Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind, The Education of Children, and Understanding Human Nature....