Adler perceived the aspiration toward completeness and personal excellence, realized by compensation for the primary feeling of inferiority, as the basis of all human activity. This idea-goal, of which the individual is only dimly aware, becomes the center of the formation of personality, ...
Adler observed that people often compensate for their real or perceived inadequacies. Individual inadequacies can be in any domain (e.g., physical, psychological, social). Adler may have believed in compensation partly because he experienced it himself, while growing up. Being inadequate or deficient...
He then founded the Society for Individual Psychology (first called the Society for Free Analysis).Away from the trammels of the Freudians, Adler developed better and applied his views to all types of neurosis. He thought that all neurotic illness was caused by a feeling of inferiority and a...
Adler replied: "It is not a matter of neurosis: in the neurotic, we see the instinct of aggression inhibited, while class consciousness liberates it; Marx shows how it can be gratified in keeping with the meaning of civilization: by grasping the true causes of oppression and exploitation, ...
(1907;Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Psychical Compensation), in which he suggested that persons try to compensate psychologically for a physical disability and its attendant feeling of inferiority. Unsatisfactory compensation results in neurosis. Adler increasingly downplayed Freud’s basiccontention...
阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒(Alfred Adler,1870年2月7日-1937年5月28日),奥地利精神病学家。人本主义心理学先驱,个体心理学的创始人,曾追随弗洛伊德探讨神经症问题,但也是精神分析学派内部第一个反对弗洛伊德的心理学体系的心理学家。著有《自卑与超越》《人性的研究》《个体心理学的理论与实践》《自卑与生活》等,他...