ADL声称已经使用“11 个针对犹太人刻板印象的问题”对 103 个国家的 58,000 多人进行了调查。年轻的受访者表现出更高的反犹太主义态度,其中 40% 的 35 岁以下受访者认为“犹太人要为世界上大多数战争负责”。据ADL报告,过去十年里,持有反犹太主义信仰的人数增加了一倍多,达到 22 亿。ADL的CEO格林布拉特表示...
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) CEO Jonathan Greenblatt says a new study found Jewish American job candidates needed to send 24.2% more applications to receive the same number of positive first responses from employers. Facebook Twitter Email
虎扑11月04日讯 欧文原计划捐款50万美元给ADL(反诽谤联盟),结果今天已经遭到了该组织的拒绝。ADL的CEO乔纳森-格林布拉特刚刚在推特发文,赞许篮网对欧文的禁赛处罚,推文具体内容如下: 篮网干得好。凯里-欧文本来有机会去做正确的事情,道歉并谴责反闪米特主义。结果他几乎每一步都做错了。禁赛处罚完全是罪有应得。
ADL的CEO,认可欧文道歉迈出了第一步,但行胜于言,欧文造成的损害已经很大,他们还是拒绝欧文的捐款,但愿意和欧文进行后续对话。 #布鲁克林篮网##NBA#
8月18日,ADL(ANNE DE LOVE)爱蒂罗珠宝举行了“热爱|ACTION为爱出发2019新品发布会”。本次发布会展示了ADL爱蒂罗珠宝首个系列产品,充满惊喜和创意,获得一致好评。 ADL爱蒂罗珠宝创始人暨美易时尚CEO岳玉兰女士、深圳中北知识产权机构暨广东硕法律师事务所创始人彭四桃女士、聚投时代股权投资基金总经理陈媛媛女士、珺...
Last week, Greenblatt tweeted that he had a “frank + productive conversation” with Linda Yaccarino, the CEO of X, about hate speech on the platform. By Friday, #BanTheADL was trending after being posted by a white supremacist and days later, Musk began his series of posts threate...
“It is indisputably dangerous to use one’s influence to validate and promote antisemitic theories,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt wrote on the platform. Yet even as companies including IBM, Apple and Disney are pulling their ad dollars in protest, the ADL is continuing to buy ads on X — ...
IT之家11月15日消息 据外媒消息,在今年的Never is Now大会上,反诽谤联盟(ADL)将为苹果CEO库克颁发反仇恨勇气奖(Courage Against Hate Award)。反诽谤联盟表示,库克被评为有史以来第一个“反对仇恨的勇气”奖获得者。ADL表示,库克用自己的行动证明,科技公司是可以在社会问题上发声,为社会大众造福的。ADL还...
【ITBEAR科技资讯】9月5日消息,X社交媒体平台(前身为推特)的CEO埃隆·马斯克近日威胁要对抗反诽谤联盟(Anti-Defamation League,简称ADL)。此前,马斯克指责ADL导致广告商纷纷撤离他旗下的社交媒体平台X。 去年10月,马斯克以440亿美元的价格收购了推特,并随后将其改名为X。然而,自马斯克接管X以来,该平台的广告客户数量...
Macmellan, chairman and chief executive officers (CEO) of AMDL Inc., is presented. Macmellan gives a brief history and description of ADML Inc. He reveals their plan to export anti-aging and therapeutic cosmetic products in other international markets. Furthermore, he expects the expansion of ...