This study examines the diagnosis of adjustment disorder in DSM-III-R. In view of the methodological problems associated with this, we investigated clinical characteristics of patients to whom the diagnosis had been applied. The patients in question were treated at the University Psychiatric Outpatient...
DSM-5Adjustment disorderDepressionPost-traumatic stressPOSTTRAUMATIC-STRESS-DISORDERCANCERDISSOCIATIONSYMPTOMStext>Cancer is a central problem in our modern society and its prevalence is constantly increasing. However, medical progresses are leading to a higher survival rate. This disease is known as a ...
2 for DSM-5: University of South Florida College of Medicine; 2016. Shevlin M, Hyland P, Ben-Ezra M, Karatzias T, Cloitre M, Vallières F, Bachem R, Maercker A. Measuring ICD-11 Adjustment Disorder: The development and initial validation of the International Adjustment Disorder ...
Despite the existence of abbreviated versions of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist (PCL-5), the lack of evidence regarding the validation of this measure has become a limitation in research. This study examined the Turkish validation of the PCL-5, which is a recently developed ...
Adjustment disorder as a nosological entity in DSM-III: a cultural analysisFábrega Jr., HoracioMezzich, Juan EMezzich, Ada C