Example: SubAdjustTables()DimlastRowAsLong' Assuming the player names are in column AlastRow=Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row' Here you can adjust the table you want to resize dynamicallyRange("Players_Table").Resize(lastRow,2).Sort Key1:=Range("A2"),Order1:=xlAscendingEndSub...
Control size of Excel window openned with PoweShell? Conversion error when inserting into a SQL Server table Convert a perl script to use in powershell instead Convert a string to a PSObject Convert array to string Convert Arraylist to delimited string Convert C# code in to PowerShell Script ...
You can use VBA to force the zoom level when you read incoming email in Outlook 2007 or newer, or when using Outlook 2003 with Word set as the email editor. Don't forget to set the desired zoom level in this line: wdDoc.Windows(1).Panes(1).View.Zoom.Percentage = 150 This macro g...
Understanding how 1.5 °C pathways could adjust in light of new adverse information, such as a reduced 1.5 °C carbon budget, or slower-than-expected low-carbon technology deployment, is critical for planning resilient pathways. We use an integrated assessment model to explore potential pathway...
I work in a very bright room and as a result my face is in shadow during video calls. On Zoom, there's a facility to adjust for low light which darkens the...
Full size image In terms of per capita TAE, the distribution was somewhat different from the total absolute TAEs (Fig.1). Countries in Oceania and Latin America and the Caribbean had some of the highest per capita TAE (e.g., Australia’s and Uruguay’s per capita TAEs were 2.41 and 3.7...