The trouble with a crude odds ratio is that it is entirely one-dimensional. It doesn't reflect the influence of confounding factors such as age, other medical conditions or even something as simple as access to a clinic versus an emergency department. Your odds ratio interpretation of the medi...
However, the association of ECF did not remain significant after further adjustment for BMI and other variables, whereas the association of the ratio of ECF to BMI remained significant after the multivariable adjustment. As the ratio of ECF to BMI increased by 1 s.d., the odds ratio (OR) ...
Interpretation The implications of this report for staffing policy, medicolegal risk management, and ethical practice remain to be tested. Centralisation of only the sickest infants could improve efficiency, provided that this does not create excessive workload for staff. Assessment of increased ...
Acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data: Fitzmaurice, Akinyemiju, Al Lami, Alam, Alizadeh-Navaei, Allen, Alsharif, Alvis-Guzman, Amini, Anderson, Aremu, Artaman, Asgedom, Assadi, Atey, Avila-Burgos, Awasthi, Barac, BaSaleem, Bennett, Bensenor, Bhakta, Brenner, Cahuana-Hurtado, Casta...
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Fitzmaurice, Abate, Abbasi, Abdel-Rahman, Abdoli, Abdulle, Abebe, Abraha, Abu-Raddad, Adedeji, Advani, Afarideh, Afshari, Aghaali, Agius, Agrawal, Ahmadi, Ahmadian, Ahmadpour, Ahmed, Akbari, Akinyemiju, Al-Aly, AlAbdulKader, Alahdab, Alam...
However, we remain cautious when it comes to interpretation of this analysis. This is a post-hoc analysis and cannot change the results of the original trial, though it allows us to better understand them. In particular, adjusting for post-treatment variables violates the randomisation principle ...
This issue of casual interpretation is no different from casually interpreting dydx() as if it represents the response to a unit change. It is not necessarily true that dydx() = 0.5 means that " increases by 0.5 if increases by 1". It is true that " increases with at a rate such ...
The hurdle model has an interpretation as a multiple-part model, the simplest being the two-part model; the first part as binary outcome model and the second part as a truncated count model. Such a partition permits the interpretation that positive observations arise from crossing a zero hurdle...
In well-conducted randomized controlled trials, Grotta bars have a causal interpretation. However, the common practice of exclusively presenting unadjusted Grotta bars in observational studies can be misleading in the presence of confounding. We demonstrated this problem and a possible solution using an ...