Ideally, column width should be controlled by the users with a familiar user interaction pattern, such as a dragging motion by the user's cursor, as is the case in other tabular management tools such as Excel / Google sheets, etc.
a cell’s size is determined by its width and height. By default, Excel uses a standard width and height for cells, where each column is approximately8.43characters wide and each row is approximately15 pixelshigh when using the default font and font size. ...
I also would like to know why I get the option of "Add new column" when I hover over the picture via DW but it doesn't give me a "remove column" option. That would be AWESOME and easy if it did. So if there are any ideas on how to make the adjustments...
How to set width of a column while exporting data table to csv How to set window.parent.location.href so that it always returns to Parent.aspx How to share session between two web site How to show a message when data in textbox has updated How to show a pop-up web-form in
Method 4 – Adjust the Cell Size Using AutoFit Row Height and Column Width Select the range B4:D11 to apply AutoFit. From the Home tab, go to Format and select AutoFit Column Width. This will AutoFit the columns. To AutoFit the rows, select AutoFit Row Height. This automatically sizes th...