因此,伴随矩阵可以看作是转置矩阵在特定运算(即代数余子式运算)下的结果。 伴随矩阵在复数矩阵中的应用:共轭转置(Conjugate Transpose) 在复数矩阵中,伴随矩阵的概念与共轭转置紧密相关。对于复数矩阵A,其共轭转置是A的每个元素取共轭后形成的矩阵的转置。在某些情况下,特别是在处理Hermite...
The adjugate[2]has sometimes been called the "adjoint",[3]but today the "adjoint" of a matrix normally refers to its correspondingadjoint operator, which is itsconjugate transpose. 1× 1 generic matrix Definition[edit] The adjugate ofAis thetransposeof thecofactor matrixCofA, {\displaystyle \op...
adj(Ak) = adj(A)k How to calculate the adjoint of a matrix? Be aware there is some ambiguity in nomenclature. The adjoint of a matrix may refer to either its adjugate, i.e., the transpose of the cofactor matrix, or the conjugate transpose. ...
matrix 一个Tensor。必须是 float16 , float32 , float64 , complex64 或complex128 形状为 [..., M, M]。 name 给此Op 的名称(可选)。 返回 矩阵的伴随(a.k.a. Hermitian transpose a.k.a. conjugate transpose)。 例如: x = tf.constant([[1 + 1j, 2 + 2j, 3 + 3j], [4 + 4j, 5...
The matrix conjugate transpose (just the trans- pose when working with reals) is also called the matrix adjoint, and for this reason, the vector λ is called the vector of adjoint variables and the linear equation (2) is called the adjoint equation. In terms of λ, d p f = λ T g...
The matrix conjugate transpose (just the trans-pose when working with reals) is also called the matrix adjoint, and for this reason,the vector λ is called the vector of adjoint variables and the linear equation (2)is called the adjoint equation. In terms of λ, dpf = λTgp.A second ...
The classical adjoint matrix should not be confused with the adjoint matrix. The adjoint is the conjugate transpose of a matrix while the classical adjoint is another name for the adjugate matrix or cofactor transpose of a matrix. Version History ...
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(d3=d1*m2.transpose(), refM3=d1*refM2.transpose()); }// test selfadjointproducts{ DenseMatrix b = DenseMatrix::Random(rows, rows); DenseMatrix x = DenseMatrix::Random(rows, rows); DenseMatrix refX = DenseMatrix::Random(rows, rows); ...
Hermitian conjugate (hɜːˈmɪtɪən) n (Mathematics)mathsa matrix that is the transpose of the matrix of the complex conjugates of the entries of a given matrix. Also called:adjoint [C19: named after CharlesHermite(1822–1901), French mathematician] ...
The adjoint method is a popular method used for seismic (full-waveform) inversion today. The method is considered to give more realistic and detailed images of the interior of the Earth by the use of more realistic physics. It relies on the definition of an adjoint wavefield (hence its name...