Rancid:Unpleasant taste or smell, like the rancid smell of garbage when you forget to throw the trash out. Rude:A person that displays no signs of politeness. Rowdy:Noisy, like rowdy students after school. Ragged:Can be used to describe an appearance or clothing. For instance, The young ma...
These adjectives can be used to describe a variety of nouns, from people and places to things and ideas. Adjectives that Start with P – Created by 7ESL Descriptive Adjectives that Start with P Below are 100 descriptive adjectives that start with P. AdjectiveExample Painful She had a ...
2.A:Wearegoingtoplayfootball.Wouldyouliketojoinus?B:_I_'d_lik_e_/lo_v_e_to_./___I'dloveto,but...Dailytalk 3.A:Wouldyoulikesomemorerice?B:___Y_es_,_pl_ea_s_e._/___No,thanks.(Iamfull.)4.A:Wouldyoumindmyclosingthewindow?B:_N_o_ta_t_al_l._/C_e_rt_ai_nl_y_no_...
Adjectives that Start with R to Describe a Person (not Personality) R Adjectives Image List of 700+ Adjectives that Start with R 2.6k SHARES Adjectives starting with the letter “R” offer a diverse array of words to describe nouns vividly and accurately. The reference covers main sections, ...