if something belongs to Angela, then you use the possessive adjectiveher—whether you're talking about one book or a million, whether she has a car or a cat or a house, etc—you'll always useher.
Free Essays from Studymode | To describe myself in three adjectives, one of the words would have to be that Im ambitious. To be ambitious is to be eager and...
Tensile: used to describe the extent to which something can stretch without breaking; soft; flexile. –This experiment demonstrates the tensile strength of the wire. Tensional: of or relating to or produced by tension; anxiety; apprehension. –This is the result of tensional or compressional fo...
Adjectives are words used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns and can be found either directly before or after a noun or following the verb that comes after the noun it modifies. Adjectives are made up of nouns, verbs, and pronouns and are different from adverbs in that they only descr...
The -ing adj is to describe something or someone that cause feeling. EVANLO i have 10/10 !!! Is so exciting!!! igor.pankiv001 Amazing class.. Tks for sharing your knowledge.. You’re great Douglas Freitas I got 10/10.Thanks, Adam! Florena Woahh...
Sometimes you may have painful experiences and this is when you need negative adjectives starting with P to describe them. Padded Pathetic Perverted Painful Pathological Pesky Painstaking Patronizing Pessimistic Pale Peculiar Petulant Pallid Pedantic Piddling Palpable Pedestrian Piggish Paltry Peeved Pigheaded ...
In this sentence,stoneis a noun acting as an adjective to describe the type of house our subject grew up in. Therunningcourse passed through the field and over the bridge before ending at the park. In this sentence,runningis a verb used as an adjective to modify the noun “course.” Ma...
Adjectives That Start with D to Describe a Person D adjectives to describe a person are not that easy to find. But we got you covered. Damaged Different Drained Damp Difficult Dreaded Dangerous Diminishing Dreamy Danish Diminutive Drenched Dead Dirty Dressed Dear Disarmed Dried Decaying Discarded Dri...
Adjectives That Start with B to Describe a Person What are some best B adjectives to describe a person you can think of? I’m sure the first one popping up in mind is “Beautiful”. But you can find more below. Babbling Bent Boyish Baby Best Brainy Babylonian Biblical Brawny Bald Big ...
Check the world’s most comprehensive list of adjectives that start with C, including positive adjectives, negative adjectives and ones to describe a person.