•2.materialnounsandadjectivesmostlyendingin–en,suchasmedical,atomic,wooden,leaden,golden,silken,etc.•ThemedicalstudentwearsasilkenT-shirt.BACK 3.Emphaticadjectives •••••••••3.adjectivesthatarespecificoremphatic,e.g.Acertainwinner.Theonlyreason.Atruescholar.Amerechild.Thevery...
While attributive adjectives usually go before the nouns, a few can be used after nouns. This, for example, happens in some fixed phrases. SecretaryGeneral PoetLaureate AttorneyGeneral Courtmartial Some adjectives ending in-able/-iblecan also be used after nouns. It is the only solutionpossible....
Common suffixes that form adjectives include: -able (comfortable), -al (musical), -y (cloudy), -ous (famous) and -ive (attractive). 0 构成形容词的常见后缀包括:-able (舒服的)、-al (音乐的)、-y (多云的)、-ous (著名的) 和 -ive (有吸引力的)。 A. -al Adjectives ending -al are...
D.Some adjectives ending in -ble, -able, -ed can be placed either before or after the nouns or pronouns. Thingsunreasonableare never durable. /Unreasonablethings are never durable. (不合理的事决不会维持得很久。) Can you give me all the money available? / Can you give me all the availab...
Adjectives ending in -û change it to -ua in the fem.: ambigû, ambigua (ambiguous); continû, continua (continuous). Two adjectives ending in -ix change it to -ija in the fem.: grix, grija (gray): lix, lija (smooth, even). Others ending in -ix are regular, however: frêi...
This is common with adjectives ending in -able-ible. Send all the tickets available, available tickets. (= ... tickets which are available.) It's the only solution possible, possible solution. Something, everything etc Adjectives come after something, everything, anything, nothing, somebody, ...
(3)whenanadjectiveendingin–ableor–iblemodifiesanounwhichtakesanother adjectiveinitssuperlativedegreeortheword ―only‖asitspremodifier(4)whenthemodifierisanadjectivewithaprep.phraseoraninfinitiveasitscomplement,orwithanadverbasitsmodifier (5)whenanadjectiveisusedasanon-restrictivemodifierofanoun S...
Some words ending in -ly can be both adjectives and adverbs. These include: daily early monthly weekly nightly yearly Adjective: She gets aweeklypayment from her parents. Adverb: I pay my rentweekly. Some words ending in -ly are only adjectives and not adverbs. These include: ...
aadjectives ending in-ing and-ed 结束在ing和编辑的形容词 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 西班牙语翻译 葡萄牙语翻译 意大利语翻译 荷兰语翻译 瑞典语翻译 希腊语翻译 51La
Thepast participle(usually ending -"ed," -"d," -"t," -"en," or -"n") The mostexcitingphrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "That's funny." (Writer Isaac Asimov) Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than itsoperat...