In this sentence,runningis a verb used as an adjective to modify the noun “course.” Many verbs that end in-ingor-edcan function as an adjective when modifying a noun. We know that adjectives describe nouns and pronouns, while adverbs describe verbs. For example, “lavishlifestyle” is an...
–Walter made connection with the climbing wave, and here he is, bumping the macrencephalic end of himself against the milky-way and affrighting the gibbous moon. Macrencephalous: aving a large brain case; macrencephalic. –Macrencephalous having or being an exceptionally large head or cran...
Extuberant Exuberant Exuccous Exulcerative Exuperable Exuviable Exuvial PinList of Adjectives that Start with E – Created by 7ESL Learn more adjectives that start with… A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N O | P | Q | R | S | T |...
postulantPosts:1,272 August 18, 2010 7:53PM Magical is appropriate - how else does an underpowered, large iPod Touch out- muscle a netbook with "real" apps, a full bloated OS, USB ports, and 2 hours of battery life? Magic, that's how. ...
I would also love to see the iPad get alot more attention when it comes to higher end games. The reality is the iPad could be the best hand held gaming system ever built and I just don't see alot going into higher end games for some reason. ...
Final: occurring at or forming an end or termination; concluding; last. –I guided him forward, and we ran the final feet behind our lines. Financial: involving financial matters; fiscal. –They mean the same thing, the officer in charge of financial affairs. Fine: free from impurities; ha...
Baritone:with a range between tenor and bass; stridulant; smooth. –He has a baritone voice. Barmy:slightly crazy; buggy; cracked. –We were going barmy trying to get everything finished on time. Barometric:connected with air pressure as measured by a barometer; barograph; Statoscope. –He...
Jilted:jilt somebody to end a romantic relationship with somebody in a sudden and unkind way; throw over; reject. –He was jilted by his fiancée. Jingly:that jingles, having a jingling sound; clang; clatter. –The key fell on the ground with a jingly sound. ...
–The road came to a dead end. Deadly:causing or able to cause death; bloody; fatal. –She shoots with deadly accuracy. Deadpan:impassive or expressionless; blank; expressionless. –Most of the time I was completely deadpan. Deaf:lacking the power of hearing or having impaired hearing; hard...
–Commuters were heading homeward at the end of the day. Homey: pleasant and comfortable, like home; cozy; delightful. –The hotel had a nice, homey atmosphere. Homicidal: likely to kill another person; making somebody likely to kill another person; bloodthirsty; maniacal. –He had clear...