A promising route in such a generative framework seems to be one where the head of the relative clause and the relative clause itself are independently merged in the structure; the head as subject in the matrix clause and the relative clause as an adjunct/complement to the predicate it ...
(This discussion revisits the subject of On to vs. Onto first posted in January 2010.) English is a rich, descriptive language with a versatile vocabulary. It also is one that can keep even well-studied native writers on their toes with its many nuances, such as those we'll find among ...
"Predicative adjectives most often occur ascomplementto the verbbe, butbeallows such a wide range of complements that its value as a diagnostic is quite limited. Much more useful from this point of view are the verbsbecomeandmake, and to a lesser extentseem, appear, feel, look, sound, whi...
Is 'green' an adjective? What is a synonym for mellow? Is 'blue' an adjective? What are the three forms of adjective complements? What is the interrogative mood? Can adjectives also be adverbs at the same time? Explain. What are some short adverbs?
A-bar binding is responsible for both subject-gap complements to non-psych adjectives and subject-gap infinitival relatives, explaining their crosslinguistic correlation. This strongly suggests that obligatory control does not fall under operatorion, as argued by predicational treatments of control, but...
Passives of Spanish Subject-Experiencer Psychological Verbs are Adjectival Passives comprehensive analysis of the ser and estar distribution across other constructions where the alternation is attested, such as underived adjectives and ... A García-Pardo,R Marín - 《Probus International Journal of La...
subject complements Read more about predicate nominatives. Why Predicate Adjectives Are Important (Reason 1) Don't use an adverb when an adjective is needed. Your souptastesbadly. ("Tastes" is a linking verb. "Badly" is an adverb, which can't be used to complete a linking verb.) ...
Α-bar binding is responsible forboth subject-gap complements to non-psych adjectives and subject-gap infinitivalrelatives, explaining their crosslinguistic correlation. This strongly suggests thatobligatory control does not fall under operator-abstraction, as argued bypredica-tional treatments of control,...
as well as infinitival complements; (ii) emotive adjectives (e.g. content `glad'), which express evaluative judgments and take finite sub- junctive as well as infinitival complements, and (iii) effective adjectiv...
Could you tell me the difference between complements and adverbials? GrammarBook.com says: February 14, 2023, at 12:29 pm This post explains adverbials in detail and gives examples. You can find information and examples for complements in our posts Subject Complements: Usage and Examples and...