1 Adjective Worksheet – Write two adjectives to describe each picture. Mystery Bag activity Using Adjectives with your Five Senses Adjectives Poster Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Total Pages 20 pages Answer Key N/A Teaching Duration ...
Adjectives:new/old, high/low, fast/slow, light/heavy, fun/boring, clean/dirty, easy/difficult, beautiful/ugly, big/small, tall/short, strong/weak, old/young, short/long, dark/light Worksheet Description: This is an ESL worksheet I created for studying basic English adjectives. It has two ...
'N a me '7' M D ateLESSON PRACTICE WORKSHEET A COPYMASTERSuffixes: Adjective and AdverbDirections: Cembine each underlined base word with a suffix in the chart to form a new word. Write the word on the line to complete the sentence.—ible -fu/ —ish —Ward —a/ ~antti motion of ...
Standards Lesson FilesGrade 7Copyright © McDougal Linell/Houghton Mlttlin Company. Name5 atel RETEACHING WORKSHEET COPYMASTERSuffixes: jee'tiveLESSON1Review A suffix a group of letters added to the end of a word to make a wordwith a different meaning. adjective suffix, such as -~fitl, ~...