Creative writing assignment - describe yourself in three adjectives Todescribemyself in threeadjectives‚ one of the words would have to be that Im ambitious. To be ambitious is to be eager and greatly desirous. For example‚ I play on an ice hockey team and lots‚ if not all...
Those are 15 words that you can use to talk about your personality, or to talk about someone else's personality. So you can try and use one of these words to describe your personality, Leave us a comment below and you can test it out. If there's a different word that you are inter...
How to describe yourself in 10 words with Adjectives? Describing yourself in just 10 words using positive adjectives requires self-awareness and an understanding of your strengths and qualities. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you craft a powerful self-description: Self-Reflection: Take som...
Master the usage of adjectives in your writing! Get hands-on examples and pro-tips that will make you an adjective aficionado. Click now to explore!
words from the box.rainy snowy sunny windy多雨的多雪的晴朗的多风的1 The Sun is shining brightly.1太阳明亮地照耀着。It is aday.这是一个日子。2 It is raining heavily.2雨下得很大。It is aday.这是一个日子。3 The wind is blowingstrongly.-strong(adj.强劲的)→3风猛烈地刮着。It is a...
Not a compliment to be given after a business lunch. amiable –pleasant and likable, kind and kind-hearted, sweet and gracious; literally “friendable,” since it comes from the French and Latin words for “friend,” which comes from the word for “love.” ...
Some words have the same form for the adverb as for the adjective. The most important of these are:daily, enough, early, far, fast, hourly, little, long, low, monthly, much, straight, weekly, yearly.Example:a daily run → They go running daily....
The Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus explains the difference between groups of similar words. Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app that you can rely on to happen or to be true The climbers face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful. it is ce...
Grammara member of a class of words that describe nouns, asniceina nice day,orbeautifulinShe is very beautiful.Abbr.:adj. adj. Grammarof, relating to, or functioning as an adjective; adjectival:an adjective phrase. See-jec-. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English...
or some rubbishy quantity of stuff.Junkalso began to be used in the 19th century to modify other nouns, such as in the case ofjunkyard(which began its life as two words, and then they grew friendly enough that they decided to move in together, perhaps to save on rent and electric bill...