A:Softly (adjective) means it is done gently or quietly. "I have a headache, so please speak softly." "She softly combed his hair so it wouldn't hurt." "Can you softly rock the baby to sleep?" 查看更多回答 Q:What is theadjectiveword that means “old but an an interesting or tast...
Boring mean something that is not interesting. So hopefully nobody calls you boring, if you're a boring person, work on that. Let's talk about cardboard boxes. 3. Reliable. Reliable, someone who's reliable, someone that you can trust, or someone that always does what they say they're...
Not:That was such an interested lecture. I was notinterestedin the lecture. Not:I was not interesting… See also: Adjectives: with -ingand -ed(interesting,interested) We can’t use some -edforms before a noun: The new results are clear from the diagramshown. ...
22、That's an interesting choice ofadjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.(这是一个有趣的形容词选择,出自一个花了数百万美元试图克隆一只13岁名叫米茜的狗的人之口。) 23、The word at first wasn’t a verb but anadject...
Adjectives are an open class in English, which means that we can make new ones easily and add them to the language, which is not the case in all languages. Adjectives are not generally used in standard English to modify other adjectives- we use adverbs to do that. However, we can use ...
In some cases, adjectives must be preceded by comparative terms likemoreorless. For example:more interesting, less intelligent. Superlative:Superlative adjectives indicate that a noun has the highest degree of the quality being described. Examples includesunniest, messiest, andgreatest. ...
We haveinterestingnews. I am aninterestedreader. Also seeModifiers ending in -ed / -ing Common Adjective Suffixes II (Verb → Adjective) SUFFIXVERB – ADJECTIVEVERB – ADJECTIVEVERB – ADJECTIVE -ABLEable, can do agree – agreeable pass – passable ...
In the examples below, the adjective is in bold and the noun that it modifies is in italics. An adjective often comes BEFORE a noun: a green car a dark sky an interesting story And sometimes an adjective comes AFTER a verb: My car is green. The sky became dark. His story seeme...
There are mobile apps to help you.③TablesFRUITVEGETABLESMEATappleorangebananapotatocarrottomatochickenbeefADJECTIVESOPPOSITEShappyinterestingtalkativepatientwidetallsadboringquietimpatientnarrowshortTables are great for putting words into groups. The examples above show a table grouped by topic and one for ...