英文文法: Prepositional Phrase versus Adjective Clauses Source: Zhihu (prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam) Question: What are the proper ways of saying “I don’t like the way he teaches” …
An Adjective Phrase is two or more words doing the job of an Adjective in modifying Nouns. Adjective Phrases include Verbal Phrases (i.e., Infinitive Phrases and Participle Phrases) and Prepositional Phrases. Adjective Phrases Examples of Adjective Phrases (in boldbelow) are: o Adam can be ane...
An adjective complement can take one of three forms: (1) a prepositional phrase, (2) an infinitive phrase, or (3) a clause. (1) Adjective Complements as Prepositional Phrases ·John is happy with his test results. ·I am worried about her attitude. ·Sarah felt...
Examples ofprepositional phrasesfunctioning asadjective phraseswith explanations: The womanon the boatis my aunt Carol. The object of this prepositional phrase is "boat". The preposition "on" is telling us the relationship between the boat and the "woman". Woman is a noun, so this is anadject...
The preposition does not "belong" to the adjective, rather the adjective specifies (is customarily followed by) one particular preposition, which adds information in the form of a prepositional phrase. SeeUnspecified vs. Specified Preposition. ...
Some examples are: Prepositional phrase: proud of her accomplishments Infinitive verb: eager to learn Noun phrase: full of excitement Notice that modifiers and complements can be combined in a single adjective phrase to provide even more detail. For instance: Modifier + Head + Complement: very ...
An adjective phrase is a group of words headed by an adjective that describes a noun or a pronoun. Interactive Examples of Adjective Phrases Here are some interactive examples to help explain the difference between single-word adjectives, adjective phrases, adjectival phrases, and adjective clauses...
"Anadjective phraseconsists of an adjective which may be preceded and/or followed by other words. The premodifier is always anadverb phrase, but the post-modifiers can be an adverb phrase, a prepositional phrase, or even aclause. It is also possible to have a modifier that is partly in ...
PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE (PP) The leaves on the ground are a variety of colors. See Preps for Place. MODIFYING CLAUSE (FINITE) The leaves that are lying on the ground are a variety of colors. See That / Which. REDUCED CLAUSE (NONFINITE) The leaves lying on the ground are a variety of ...
What is a prepositional adverb phrase? How to find an adverb in a sentence What is a hyphenated compound noun? What are the types of descriptive adjectives? What is an appositive adjective? What modifies a verb? How to tell when a participle is a noun, adjective, or adverb?