The meaning of PROPER ADJECTIVE is an adjective that is formed from a proper noun and that is usually capitalized in English. How to use proper adjective in a sentence.
Adjectivesdescribe or modify—that is, they limit or restrict the meaning of—nouns and pronouns. They may name qualities of all kinds:huge,red,angry,tremendous,unique,rare, etc. An adjective usually comes right before a noun: "areddress," "fifteenpeople." When an adjective follows alinking...
Definition of safe adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Definition of uncool adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Master the usage of adjectives in your writing! Get hands-on examples and pro-tips that will make you an adjective aficionado. Click now to explore!
So, what is an adjective? Adjective Meaning | Definition An adjective is a word that customizes and intensifies a noun or a pronoun. It gives additional information about what the noun or the pronoun refers to. It is usually comes right before the noun o
We could delete this adjective phrase, and the sentence’s meaning would stay the same: After months of shopping, I finally found a used truck. But by including the full phrase, we’re more deeply describing the exact kind of truck the speaker wanted, giving context for why they shopped ...
If your class mixes kids from all over the world, you could call it diverse. The adjective diversified has the same meaning, and a near synonym is varied. An earlier spelling of the English adjective was divers, and the final –e was probably added by association with words such as ...
What is the meaning of purebred? :bred from members of a recognized breed, strain, or kind without admixture of other blood over many generations. What is another term for purebred? full-blood, full-blooded,pedigreed. (or pedigree), pure-blooded. ...
Unlike many other adjectives, possessive adjectives can act similarly to pronouns in that they can replace possessive nouns. For example, the sentencesI found Fred’s catandI foundhiscathave the same meaning. Additionally, possessive adjectives cannot be turned intosuperlative or comparative adjectives....