Blueis an adjective. Coldis an adjective. Happyis an adjective. An adjective is adescribing word. An adjectivegives more informationabout something. An adjective generallydescribes a noun. A noun is a person, a thing, or a place. The monster ...
A linking verb is a verb like to be, to feel, to seem, or to taste that, rather than describing an action, helps to describe a state of being or a sensory experience. That cow sure is happy. It smells gross in the locker room. Driving is faster than walking. Degrees of adjectives...
A linking verb is a verb like to be, to feel, to seem, or to taste that, rather than describing an action, helps to describe a state of being or a sensory experience. That cow sure is happy. It smells gross in the locker room. Driving is faster than walking. Degrees of adjectives...
•Anadjectiveisadescribingword.•Lucyisaclevergirl.•Thishouseisverybig.•Thisfishishorrible.•Averbisadoingword,anaction.•Sheplaystennis.•Hewalkstocollege.•Iruneveryday.•YouneedtoguessifthewordinREDinthesentencesisanoun,adjectiveorverb.•Iwantacatformybirthday.•NOUN •Simonisthin...
When describing reasons, Americans often use adjective clauses immediately after the noun reason. English speakers commonly use words such as why or that to begin these clauses. But, sometimes they do not use any words at all! Reason + why One common structure is the noun reason followed by...
When describing reasons, Americans often use adjective clauses immediately after the noun reason. English speakers commonly use words such as why or that to begin these clauses. But, sometimes they do not use any words at all! Reason + why One common structure is the noun reason followed by...
Simply change the – o ending to – a if the adjective is describing a feminine noun. Notice in all the following examples that Spanish does not require the capitalization of adjectives of nationality, but English does. Adjectives of nationality that end in – e are also like other adjectives...
An adjective is considered a describing word. By modifying the noun in a sentence using an adjective, you are essentially providing more about the noun by describing it. What are 10 adjectives examples? Ten adjective examples are: beautiful flower; hot water; fat lizard; large house; purple fl...
Well, what is an adjective? It's a word that describes a noun or pronoun, right? So, if a word describes a noun or pronoun, it's an adjective. If a word takes the place of a noun instead of describing it, then it is a pronoun. Adjective Why? Both pens fell on the floor. Bot...
Parisian is describing the noun scarf. It's formed from the proper noun Paris. Did you also happen to notice the capitalization of these adjectives? Usually, adjectives in the middle of a sentence would not be capitalized. But these adjectives are capitalized! Why? Because they're formed fro...